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Craftsmans Pine Staircases

Staircases to Order online

These straight staircases are available in widths from 600 to 900mm

If you require any assistance when ordering your staircase you can contact us on 01952 602750.

The Staircases Below start with the Highly Recommended Engineered Pine Specification this specification is ideal if you are looking for a quality softwood staircase.

If you are looking for a stair with the handrail look at the Straight staircases with Handrails

Craftsmans Pine 12 Riser Straight Staircase

Craftsmans Pine 12 Riser Straight Staircase

Ref: S11N

This is for a 12 Riser Straight Staircase, the staircase will be made to 42º please select from the options provided.

Model - Craftsmans Pine

Strings - 32mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Treads - 22mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Risers - 12mm Plywood
Typical String Depth 240mm

Staircases with individual riser heights less than 198mm will have a individual going size of 220mm so the pitch will be slightly less than 42º

The Rise is the Finished Floor to Floor Height.

Typical lead time on these is 2 to 3 Weeks from approval of production drawings, subject to your location and logistics.

A confirmation drawing will be sent showing the staircase to your selected dimensions this will need to be approved before production commences.

Price: £430.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Help on Rise and going

12 Riser Straight Staircase Plan and Side View

12 Riser Straight Staircase Plan and Side View

Craftsmans Pine 13 Riser Straight Staircase

Craftsmans Pine 13 Riser Straight Staircase

Ref: S12N

This is for a 13 Riser Straight Staircase, the staircase will be made to 42º please select from the options provided.

Model - Craftsmans Pine

Strings - 32mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Treads - 22mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Risers - 12mm Plywood
Typical String Depth 240mm

Staircases with individual riser heights less than 198mm will have a individual going size of 220mm so the pitch will be slightly less than 42º

The Rise is the Finished Floor to Floor Height.

Typical lead time on these is 2 to 3 Weeks from approval of production drawings, subject to your location and logistics.

A confirmation drawing will be sent showing the staircase to your selected dimensions this will need to be approved before production commences.

Price: £430.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Help on Rise and Going

Craftsmans Pine 14 Riser Straight Staircase

Craftsmans Pine 14 Riser Straight Staircase

Ref: S13N

This is for a 14 Riser Straight Staircase, the staircase will be made to 42º please select from the options provided.

Model - Craftsmans Pine

Strings - 32mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Treads - 22mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Risers - 12mm Plywood
Typical String Depth 240mm

Staircases with individual riser heights less than 198mm will have a individual going size of 220mm so the pitch will be slightly less than 42º

The Rise is the Finished Floor to Floor Height.

Typical lead time on these is 2 to 3 Weeks from approval of production drawings, subject to your location and logistics.

A confirmation drawing will be sent showing the staircase to your selected dimensions this will need to be approved before production commences.

Price: £460.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Help on Rise and Going

Craftsmans Pine 15 Riser Straight Staircase

Craftsmans Pine 15 Riser Straight Staircase

Ref: S14N

This is for a 15 Riser Straight Staircase, the staircase will be made to 42º please select from the options provided.

Model - Craftsmans Pine

Strings - 32mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Treads - 22mm EdgeLam Engineered Pine
Risers - 12mm Plywood
Typical String Depth 240mm

Staircases with individual riser heights less than 198mm will have a individual going size of 220mm so the pitch will be slightly less than 42º

The Rise is the Finished Floor to Floor Height.

Typical lead time on these is 2 to 3 Weeks from approval of production drawings, subject to your location and logistics.

A confirmation drawing will be sent showing the staircase to your selected dimensions this will need to be approved before production commences.

Price: £490.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Help on Rise and Going

Download Measuring guide

Download our Straight Staircase Measuring Guide complete to form and email it to sales@tradestairs.com for a quotation

Straight Staircase Measuring Sheet
Optional Pine Faced Riser

Optional Pine Faced Riser

Optional Pine Veneered Riser

Ordering your Staircase online

If you require any assistance when ordering your staircase you can contact us on 01952 608853

Delivery Charges

Currently for online purchases we are only offering delivery for Mainland England and Wales.
The cost of a Staircase Delivery varies with location.

Installation Help Video
What is Engineered Pine ?

What is Engineered Pine ?

Engineered Pine is secions of Pine glued together to form a wider section.
Engineered Pine = Quality

Stability - Engineered Pine offers greater stability than wide boards.

Environment - Engineered Pine is better for the environment Our engineered pine comes from managed forests and because smaller sections of timber are used the result is less waste.

Why ? - When it comes to entry level softwood staircases the lowest cost material is Whitewood, whitewood is a fairly soft timber and will usualy have fairly large knots is prone to Shakes and Sap pockets - The Sap Pockets pose a problem following decoration usually bleeding through and staining the paint, also Whitewood isnt the best when it comes to stability, all this coupled with the fact that the White wood doesnt match with Pine stairparts is why we have invested in Engineered Pine.
Engineered pine has been used in the Pine furniture industry for many years now and is a proven product.

Price - With our volume buying power and optimimum sized panels we are able to offer staircases made from quality materials at the lowest prices.

Life span - We recommend upgrading your Treads from MDF to Engineered pine this will increase the life time of your staircase.

EdgeLam- Edgelam is a Higher Quality grade of Edge Laminated Engineered Pine, Select timbers sourced from North of the Artic Circle slow grown with tigher growth rings and better stability.
Laminated in the UK.

Not Quite what you are looking for ?

If the size of what we have available to order online isnt to your requirments and you need something a liitle more bespoke or you would like your staircase in something like Oak contact us with your requirments.

Phone 01952 608853

Email - sales@stairplan.com

For More information on the stairs we can offer visit Stairplan.com

Our Workshop Facilities

Take a look at our Workshop

We use the latest in CNC technology and have one of the most advanced staircase production facilities in the country.